A two days workshop on Sustainable Lifestyle of Vermicomposting and Solid Waste Management under Environment Education Programme was held at P.D.U.A.M, Dalgaon on 13th and 14th May organized by Assam Science Technology and Environment Council in collaboration with Eco Club, P.D.U.A.M, Dalgaon supported by MoEFCC, Govt. of India.
Around 125 students of different schools attended the workshop. The resource persons for Day 1 workshop was Dr Lakhi.P.Hazarika, Principal of P.D.U.A.M, Dalgaon and Dr.Sufian Ahmed Tapadar, Assistant professor, Dept.of Botany. And for Day 2 Dr Bhaswatee Baroowa, District Environment Coordinator,Darrang.
The workshop was of 4 sessions with technical and hands on training where students were provided practical exposure and Hands on session in vermicomposting as well as in Solid Waste Management. A Plantation drive was a also organized in the college premises along with the guide teachers and participants. The program was successfully concluded with the feedback session and by distribution of certificates to the participants and appreciation certificates to the adjoining schools.