ICT Cell

The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Cell at PDUAM provides comprehensive IT support to ensure the smooth functioning of the institution’s technological infrastructure. Key services include:

  • Software development & maintenance: Developing in-house software, keeping the software up-to-date, troubleshooting issues, and ensuring system compatibility.
  • Website Maintenance: Regularly updating content, enhancing security, and improving user experience.
  • Support for Digital Classrooms: Setting up and maintaining audiovisual equipment, resolving technical issues, and facilitating digital learning tools.

Through these services, the ICT Cell enhances the academic and administrative efficiency of PDUAM.


  • College Website Development and Maintenance from 2018 till date
  • Online Admission Portal Development and Maintenance 2019 to 2022
  • Payment gateway integration
  • Desktop Software for examination fee collection
  • Biometric Attendance system installation & Maintenance, February 2024 till date

Team members

  • Subrat Chetia, Coordinator
  • Dr. Zaved Iqubal Ahmed, Member
  • Chinmay Sarma, Member
  • Samiron Sahariah, Member