We all happened to face a very difficult time since 16 March 2020 due to the worldwide spreading of COVID-19. Classes have been suspended since then. Meanwhile, it also becomes very urgent to resume regular academic activities for the benefit of the student community. Hence, as per online interaction with the Honorable Vice Chancellor of Gauhati University on 17th June 2020, the following measures has been taken by PDUAM, Dalgaon.
- The Gauhati University has not decided to cancel any End Semester Examinations (i.e. B Sc. 2nd, 4th and 6th Semester Examination) for this academic session 2019 – 20 yet. Alternative and simplified modes and methods of examinations may be adopted to complete the process in shorter period of time.
- If end semester examinations are to be conducted, then there will be at least one-month Face-to-face class for all the students before end semester examination.
- Currently, there are no provisions of reducing the existing syllabus for the end semester examinations.
- The college campus will be sanitized properly as per guidelines before reopening.
- Submission of assignments are mandatory for the internal evaluation. Non submission of assignments, may be considered as absent/failed.
- There will be an interactive online meeting of the students with the Principal and faculty members of PDUAM, Dalgaon through Google Meet on 4th Week of June 2020. Students are requested to submit their E-mail ID’s (preferably Gmail) to the HOD of their respective departments.
- Students as advised to communicate regularly with class teachers for clearing doubts. We have to develop and maintain the following qualities to build resilience at individual level-
- Remain calm in real time situation.
- Use your body as feedback system.
- Accept the change.
- Nourish yourself.
- Build positive social relationship.
- Find your purpose of life and Practice your skills
PDUAM, Dalgaon