The National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) Peer Team conducted a comprehensive evaluation visit to Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya Adarsha Mahavidyalaya (PDUAM) Dalgaon on May 8th and 9th, 2024. The team comprised esteemed academicians, namely Prof. J Singh Khattar, Prof. R Ramteke, and Dr. S P Saraswat, serving as the Chairperson, Member Coordinator, and Member respectively.
During the evaluation visit, the NAAC Peer Team meticulously examined various aspects of PDUAM Dalgaon’s academic and administrative functioning. They conducted interviews with faculty, staff, students and guardians, scrutinized documents, observed infrastructure facilities, and assessed the quality of teaching, research, and extension activities.
After a thorough evaluation, the NAAC accredited PDUAM Dalgaon with a CGPA of 2.51 on a seven point scale at B+ Grade valid for a period of 5 Years from May 16, 2024. This accreditation reflects the institution’s commitment to maintaining high standards of quality in education and overall academic excellence.